– 5 Things every Microsoft Teams Meeting Newbie Should Know – Joanne C Klein

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Jan 28,  · When joining a Zoom meeting, participants may want to join anonymously, restricting the amount of information available to other participants. This can be for personal privacy when joining public events, or when joining meetings for things like alcoholics (addiction) anonymous mental health group-based scenarios. Jul 10,  · Option 3: Activate Zoom’s Hide Myself settings. Believe it or not, Zoom has already anticipated this issue—and here’s their “official” solution: To Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins. Jan 15,  · If you like this option and want to use it, we suggest enabling it by default before heading into a meeting. Step-by-step instructions: Open the Zoom app on your PC. Click the gear icon under your.

– Can you attend zoom meeting without being seen – none:


If the meeting is started, whether or not you actually join the meeting, the chat window says you joined it. We were going to move from Webex to Teams, but the limitation of sharing windows has put us off of this. You should be able to toggle through the windows. If you do this, everyone will see your desktop and you can flip between any apps you want without stopping the share.

Hope this helps. Pat — you can. Hi Joanne, do you know if there is shared content during a meeting and another participant is editing a document for the host where that document saves and is updated after the meeting is concluded? Did this answer your question?

Good afternoon. We used teams last night for a video conference call with mixed internal and external participants. We did not have a call in number. During the call several people were connected into a separate meeting even though they were invited to the same meeting.

Could you help us determine what we did wrong so this works seamlessly next time. Do you have the meeting options configured to automatically join or do you require attendees to wait in the lobby? Also, do you have a Microsoft support you can call? They may also be able to help you. Good article! Is there a way to keep track of the attendees who have joined a meeting after the call is completed? Thanks for the article.

Thank you for the info. I have been a guest at a number of meetings where the shared document seems to get locked up when the organizer is trying to make notes and updates during the meeting. Is this a known bug or is there something that the presenter is doing incorrectly? How are they sharing the document? Are they sharing their desktop and then selecting the word program or are they picking the word application and sharing it that way?

Not sure it makes a difference though… also, who is co-authoring on the document? External guests? So how can you tell if your video is being shown in the feed?

Only the last four are on screen in a conference call of, say, 20 people. So if that happens to me, how can I tell if my video indata is being shown to the others, or whether I am not being filmed. Hello, if i make a video call meeting using my mobile phone, can i screen share my pc desktop which donthave camera on my pc.

Thank you for this. The one piece I continue to have difficulty with is the Chat export. Hi Ray, Attendees do not automatically get emailed a chat export. You would need to use Content Search to get the chat — the chats are stored as individual. In other words, we are trying to limit or control who participates from the external community some external guests may forward the link to others that were not invited by the presenter originally.

Thank you. To your second question… is this a private or a pubic meeting? Hope this helped. Dear Joanne, may I know why I am using apple headphone with microphone, but computer show they did not find any mic on me and others can hear me? Perhaps the issue is outside of Teams. Hi Joanne, thanks for all the good info! By switching back to the first account, using the same Teams meeting set up function from the calendar, all is OK except the meeting ends up in the corresponding calendar, which is less than ideal.

This was not so until around november last year; until then all worked OK from either account. The problem kicked in sometime in November; I tried many things — to no avail. Would you have a suggestion what to do? Have you tried opening a ticket with Microsoft? Thank you for your article. I am a teacher new to using teams. I have created a team and added my students. I have also scheduled a meeting for the future. I know they have all received an email invitation with the link to join the meeting.

My question is when does that link become active? Is it possible for them to enter a meeting before me not desirable or do they have to wait for me? Can i force mute them, for example? Is it possible to remove a participant from a meeting? And finally, if I end the meeting, does it end it for everyone? It talks about: — prevent attendees from muting each other — prevent attendees from kicking others out — control screen sharing for all attendees.

You can configure the meeting options so the attendees will have to wait in the virtual lobby until you let them in. Hi Nathan, More info for you… MIcrosoft is rolling out some new features you may be interested in.

Thanks for this, very helpful. Is there a time limit on how long the links to the recordings will remain active?

Looking at recording a training session that we will had to our wiki page but wondering if it will expire at some point? Hi, thanks for the tips! QQ, do you know how long meeting recordings are kept in the Meeting Chat? Hi Lia, Assuming you do not have a retention policy on your Teams chats, as far as I know you will see the meeting recording forever.

It is stored in Microsoft Stream behind the scenes. Hi, is it possible to schedule Microsoft Teams meeting for a group of people without having to participate in the meeting? They can even record the meeting if required.

HI Joanne my organisation has subscribed to Teams and we will be using it for virtual fostering panel meetings. My question for yois relates to whether it is possible to ensure that of the 4 persons maximum on the screen, that one or two of them can remain on screen at all times, regardless of whether they speak or not?

We will require foster carers to be seen on screen at all times by all other panel members live on Teams. Can you advise? Hi Joanne, thanks for the really helpful info.

Question: how do i export an meeting attendance list from MS Teams? Hi Washington, It is not currently possible. The context being I am looking at doing a project kick-off session with a larger group incl external guests , post which simultaneous break-outs of smaller teams on MS Teams. Hi jj, By all means you can do this!! The meeting can start without the organizer joining. My recommendation? Set up some test meetings in advance to work out the kinks and get all your questions answered!

Hi, I want to know if there is any option to stop recording. Rather pressing suspend all the time is there is option to banned recording for the session. This can be set for the entire tenant or for select users.

I am Vishnu I am a student I am getting a problem that everyone has the access to kick out anyone from the teams so I want the solution of this problem so that no one can kick out and everyone can study in teams properly without creating any indiscipline. Hi Vishnu, It sounds like everyone in your Team is an Owner which would allow them to remove anyone else from the Team. THere should only be a select few identified as an Owner and everyone else should be a member.

Hi there — does Microsoft teams automatically store your video calls or do you have press record at the start of each meeting? Hi, as of April … in a Microsoft Teams meeting you have to remember to start the recording. Can i use Snapchat or any other app during the meeting is going on the Microsoft Teams? Will the organizer know about or Participants i the meeting?

Hi Sakshi, apparently yes! Hello, I want to get the active session detail in history log to be export in excel , How can i get. Hey Joanne Klein, There is a way of showing profile pictures on teams meetings instead of showing initials only? Hi Joanne -Great advice as always. If you add a document in a teams meeting invite, where is the document stored? OneDrive or SharePoint? Is it subjected to any of the Teams retention policies. If so, Chat? Did I miss it? Where does the file get stored if is shared a document via a meeting chat?

I work at a school. We adopted O last summer and are using Teams extensively for class meetings. Any help would be useful. I have access to the Teams Admin console and am a Global Admin as well. Hi Sue, did you record the meeting? Anything in there helpful? Hi Joanne, The session was recorded and in the end, the teacher was able to figure out what was happening student was logged in twice on separate devices with separate profile photos, as can happen with the installed version of Teams.

I was just asking where one could find a log of who was speaking. The software has to know, since it constantly brings forward the speaker. I just have to keep reeling in certain privileges depending upon the age group. I know you can search in there, not sure if you can export it, never tried.

Does that help? Would you be able to let me know how I can send out one invite to multiple recipients via separate meeting invites — I am holding several board meetings and there will be different attendees throughout the day and therefore separate invites.

Any guidance would be great. Could someone kindly assist me. I used Teams yesterday for my first virtual class. At the begining of the class I could see and hear the participant with her laptop. She was still able to see me, see my PPP and hear me but I could not see her. Any ideas? Is ther any other way to play an embeded video from youtube that is part of a PPP besides sharing it via desktop and viewing the PPP in the edit mode?

I know I need to share the audio when I do screen share. I have looked on line for the answer; this is the only way that I am able to share a PPP and have control of the video at the same tiem. I did a trial run with 2 other laptops. I shared my desktop to veiw the PPP one laptop had a very crisp view of the PP the other laptop view was very blurry. Any idea why and how to fix? I am supposed to be a presenter in a live meeting.

The invite says presenter. I am an external invitee. However, I only connect as an attendee. I can see them but they cannot see or hear me. Hi Joan, they should have given you a special presenter link. Can an external attendee share a document on screen to the rest of the attendees? For instance, I want to hold a sales meeting with both internal and external attendees. Some of the external attendees will give a 5 or 10 minute presentation that might include a PPT or other documents… will they be able to act as a presenter to share these documents to the group?

Or will I need to share those documents on my end as the organizer as they speak to the group? Thank you for your help! If you forget to exit a video call using the red button, but close the app, a call seems to continue small icon on mobile phone home screen. It may be different on a mobile phone though. Great Post. I need to schedule meetings for the same external participants multiple times at different timings. Is there a way to do this without me creating and adding the participants every time?

Hi, I was invited to a Microsoft Teams video call which I joined as an external participant. Call ended after 15 minutes and I proceeded to make a WhatsApp call.

Once I ended this call I noticed a call screen that had Microsoft Teams Audio call on it not seen it before and it looked as though I was dialled into a call about the same length of time had passed since my Microsoft Teams call started. I pressed the end call button and then the screen disappeared.

Is this just a blip. Could any WhatsApp audio be heard on the Teams call that seemed to still be running? I suggest putting this question on the Microsoft Tech community in the Teams group, there is a wide audience there and someone may be able to assist you. Other times, those late arrivers cannot see the chat posts. Why is that? You will have a much broader reach for the question.

Hi Joanne, thanks for the great explanation very helpful. I have the following Problem. In the Meetings I hold with Teams sometimes several people internal and external just dial in with their regular phones. As a moderator I see on the side the participants and who is talking.

Unfortunately when the people dial in with their phone I just see a number and not a name. So I was wondering if there is any chance to change a number to a name? Do you have a solution for that? Thanks in advance and Regards Verena. My company is holding a remote meeting with internal and external users.

Some of the external users are new to teams and new to remote meetings in general. Or will that not work? I had forgotten to leave a Microsoft team meeting with one other person.

It was a video meeting and I attended by clicking a link in outlook from my calendar which states join Microsoft teams meeting. I have added participant to the ongoing call from our team and he started recording our call, I removed him after I got clarifications from the participant. I have continued the same call with others on different points but later realized call is getting recorded and full recording was shared in the group after the call is over.

Now the question — Is this full recording available to the participants joined and dropped in between the call, Or only part of it is available for them for the time they are in the call. Please clarify. Thanks in advance. I set up meetings for other people and they are usually at the same time, but different groups.

Is there a way when hosting a Stream event to hide the participants on the screen from others, it is distracting when showing a slide presentation. Just had my first Teams group meeting. A bit disappointing. Only 4 people can be seen? It should be there. Background noise seemed to be picked up which was distracting. On the other hand the sound was patchy. We have been using Zoom, even WEbex without these hindrances.

Such a shame to have not got this right. While we have Teams as part of our , we are now going to shell out extra for a Zoom account because it is so much better and easier.

Hi Colin, I have 9 people visible on my tenant. I should have clarified. I was using my phone. On Zoom you can scroll through all participants, another option is to see just the speaker. Overall more user friendly. I cannot believe MS had not properly researched what users need and want.

Too late to catch up and capture the market. During our class meeting on Teams yesterday students were getting kicked out repeated with a message saying someone removed them from the meeting. This is most likely students doing. Is there a setting that can disable this capability? I believe so. Check the meeting options and there are some settings in there to control a few things like that.

This topic was really wonderfull and informative i can use this information among meeting tool-of-choice in Office today is Microsoft Teams — a fantastic tool to enhance the meeting experience in several ways. Is this function not enabled all of the time? It should be enabled all the time when your start the meeting.

Is there any way to see which student was talking out while you are in share mode.. A log or something? I scrolled the participants looking for the lavender circle ofc.. Hi Maria, I just highlight the text… right-mouse click and a copy command comes up. Paste it wherever you want after that. Thank you for this tutorial. There is an IT guy that I asked and he said the organizer was supposed to unmute me from their side. Please ask this question on the Microsoft Tech Community in the Teams space… someone there will likely know.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Skip to content Twitter LinkedIn Email. March 4, Joanne Klein SharePoint comments. External Attendee 3: Anyone with a phone to dial in and join You can also have a dial-in conference option so attendees can join the Microsoft Teams meeting from any device, anywhere.

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Can you attend zoom meeting without being seen – none:. You need to have JavaScript enabled in order to access this site.

When scheduling a meeting, you can ensure you’re not using your personal meeting ID by choosing the “Generate Automatically” button in your meeting preferences. When you are in Gallery View, right-click on any participant that either has their video off, or you can click on the 3 dots at the upper right of their. It’s still possible for a meeting to start without you (the host) even if Join Before Host is disabled. If you have given someone Scheduling.