Zoom error code 101.How to fix “Can’t Connect to Your Service” error code 104101 in Zoom?

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Jan 20,  · If you’re getting the error code while using Zoom, this might be related to Windows Firewall. It’s possible that Zoom connections are disabled. You can rectify this by establishing the correct settings in Firewall. The first step in the process is opening the Firewall app on Windows. Error Code Description; ZOOM_API_ERROR_SUCCESS: 0: Successfully made API call. ZOOM_API_ERROR_FAILED_NULLPOINTER: 1: Zoom SDK is not initialized before use. ZOOM_API_ERROR_FAILED_WRONGPARAMETERS: 6: Failed due to one or more invalid arguments. ZOOM_API_ERROR_FAILED_CLIENT_INCOMPATIBLE: 8: Zoom SDK is not . Dec 15,  · Error code and details. Suggested troubleshooting: , The account is unauthorized. Please contact admin. Your account is inactive. Please contact admin. Your call can not be completed yet. Please try again later. Contact your Zoom Phone admin for help. The admin may need to assign a Zoom Phone license or calling plan.


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Cove code: Follow the below solution steps to fix Zoom Error code Visit Zoom User Management Dashboard zoom error code 101 an admin or owner of the Zoom account, click on the Edit buttons and reapply for the proper webinar license. Can anyone help me? Sometimes, these errors may be caused by the server-end temporary and will fix by Zoom within a short timeframe. Speaking of На этой странице Options: try setting the proxy settings to auto-detect.