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How to Join a Zoom Meeting On a Desktop Computer | Terrebonne Parish Library System – Joining the meeting

The meeting should be on time, which means joining five minutes early if your preference is available. Make sure you use a video connection. For individuals who select join before host, those individuals can join prior to the host joining, or without the host starting the meeting or attending.
It is unlikely that you need a Zoom account if you participate strictly in Zoom Meetings. You may join a meeting of others simply by making a guest entry and no Registration is required. See blue arrow You may be prompted to use these to sign into the meeting. After clicking on the URL link, your computer will prompt you to allow Zoom to launch on your browser.
The meeting host has the option of when to allow participants to enter. If the host has not yet allowed participants into the meeting, you will see a window informing you of this and asking you to test your audio while you wait. If you do not have a Zoom account, you will be asked to give a name that will appear in the participants list. If you already have a Zoom account, you will be able to log in at this time.
It is a very good idea to go ahead and test your audio while you wait. You should hear a dinging or bells. If not, try raising the volume of your computer and pressing the button again.
When you are done speaking press the button again. If either the speakers or the mic are not working, you may need to change the source of the sound. You can do this by changing the selection on the drop-down menus to the right of each.
If you have not tried using a headset with a mic yet, try connecting one to your computer and running the test again. Some computers have built-in microphones, but many do not.
Once the host has allowed participants into the meeting you will see a window similar to the next image. Red Arrow: You may be automatically muted upon entering a meeting. If your mic has a red line through it, then you are muted. If not, click on the mic and it will mute. Likewise, click on the mic again to unmute. Read this guide on how to join your first Zoom meeting.
Zoom is a video conferencing tool which allows anyone with a meeting link usually sent by email or WhatsApp to join the call, without needing to set up an account. If you scroll further down the page you can also download the apps for your smartphone or tablet. It should open a new tab or window. Click the “open Zoom” pop-up or “click here” if that doesn’t appear and follow the instructions to join the meeting with the app. If you want to join in your browser rather than downloading an app you can click “join from your browser” at the bottom of the screen.
How early can you join a zoom meeting before it starts – how early can you join a zoom meeting befor –
The host and their setup of the meeting will dictate how early you can join. If they select this option, then the participants can join the meeting before. Alternatively, if you do not have internet access, you can join a meeting by before joining a Zoom meeting on a computer or mobile device, you can. How early you can enter a meeting depends on the host. The host has the option to enable participants to join as early as they like, even before the host joins.