How to make a zoom link live.How To Connect Zoom To Facebook Live

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How to go live on Facebook using Zoom | Sarah Stiffin.

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Open Streamon instagram-live-streamer on your PC and login to your Instagram account. After logging in click on Start live stream , you will be greeted with a screen containing your Stream URL and Stream key. Now, open your OBS studio instance and click on settings and go to Stream tab. Make sure the use authentication check box is Unchecked.

Click on apply and ok. Now, on the bottom right panel near the Settings Button click on Start Stream! Once the stream is started, quickly go to the Streamon app and click on Go Live Button. You can click on the comment icon on the bottom to see your live comments from Instagram. Please Note, you won’t be able to view your live stream from the Instagram mobile app or desktop directly. You can see the stream through the above method or login via a different Instagram account to view your stream.

Head over to our community channel on Telegram t. Found this project helpful? Starting your video call or meeting online First step is to create an account on any of the online video calling or meeting softwares like Google Meet , Zoom or Whereby and start the video calling session with your desired participants.

They can use the chat integrated in Zoom which won’t be visible on the live stage page. The participants will access the live stage via their agenda or via the live stage page on the website depending on the event settings decided by the organizer.

Live stage overview. Back to home. Organizer’s Guide. Knowledge Base. Karena pada dasarnya ada selisih waktu sekitar 10 — 30 detik antara zoom dan youtube saat kita lakukan live streaming. Jika tidak mau balapan, biasanya saya mute suara di youtube saat menggunakan fitur live streaming zoom.

Mas, saya tadi coba Live on Custom Live Streaming untuk meeting pertama. Saat saya ingin livestreaming di meeting ke 2 kenapa tiba tiba langsung ke start ya? Silakan cek di bagian saat menjadwalkan live streaming youtubenya juga.. Hallo kak, saya sudah bertanya diatas saya, tetapi saya kurang mengerti. Apakah saya boleh bertanya melalui sosmed saja supaya bisa lebih mudah? Mas mau tanya, saya akan melaukan live streaming tapi pakai akun zoom kampus, apa bisa saya di jadikan host langsung dari akun zoom kampus untuk menyambungkan ke youtube saya?

Maskris mau tanya nih, sy sdh sering connect youtube ke zoom tp terakhir ini ketika sy sdh buat jadwal di youtube trus waktu sy mau custom di zoom dia lgs masuk ke zoom bukan diarahkan ke posisi pengisian link nya ya, jadi tdk nyambung antara link youtube yg sy buat dgn zoom, kenapa ya mas. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Enter your search query Sign in. Forgot your password?

Get help. Privacy Policy for Maskris. Password recovery. Tekno Tutorial. June 4, Isi Konten. Tampilan Login dari Portal Zoom. YouTube Studio Live Streaming. Share this article. Recent posts. April 6,



How to make a zoom link live –


If you want to add yourself into the Stream from your PC attached web cam or other camera devices connected, use the Video Source Option instead of Window Capture and choose your target device while adding the source. Once you haver configured your streaming setup, you can now use Streamon to start an Instagram Live session. Open Streamon instagram-live-streamer on your PC and login to your Instagram account. After logging in click on Start live stream , you will be greeted with a screen containing your Stream URL and Stream key.

Now, open your OBS studio instance and click on settings and go to Stream tab. Make sure the use authentication check box is Unchecked. Click on apply and ok. Sarah on 29 October, at I believe you will need to use Zoom Webinar for this purpose. Teri on 9 November, at Any idea of when this may become available? Sarah on 10 November, at No news as yet. James on 12 November, at Sarah on 13 November, at Martin on 15 November, at Can I do FB live on zoom as a host while my co host does youtube live.

Lesley on 20 November, at Many thanks! Bernie on 28 November, at Sarah on 28 November, at I believe you will need to use a third party app like Restream to do this. Cedi on 5 December, at Sarah on 6 December, at At the moment you can only stream from a desktop, not phone or tablet.

Kate on 7 December, at Any ideas please!? Alena on 9 December, at Is it possible for the same livestream to be broadcast by several Facebook pages I manage? Renee on 12 December, at Sarah on 13 December, at I asked Zoom and they said it was a Facebook issue. Dana on 19 December, at Joe F on 19 December, at Thank you, Joe. Nicki on 4 January, at Krista on 5 January, at Eszter on 25 January, at Luis Pacheco on 3 February, at Why I cant facebook live thru zoom pro on my phone?

Sarah on 3 February, at Sarah on 4 February, at No, sorry. You might have to take it up direct to Facebook. James on 16 February, at What do sugest?

Attendees can control the volume of music vs. It requires each attendee to have access to the service you are issuing the playlist on. Most streaming services have ad-sponsored free versions attendees can join but these ads can throw some attendees out of sync with others. It might be necessary to create the same playlist on multiple platforms to increase the chances that all attendees are able to access it.

All Collections. Online events. Written by Jen Updated over a week ago. Tapi intinya sama, hanya mengaktifkan fitur YouTube yang ada pada bagian Allow live streaming the meetings di masing-masing level. Masuk ke akun Zoom lewat portal web sebagai administrator yang memiliki hak untuk bisa mengedit pengaturan akun.

Langkah ini perlu dilakukan jika kita akan menggunakan fitur webinar dari Zoom yang kemudian dikoneksikan untuk live streaming YouTube. Untuk langkah mengaktifkan fitur ini sebenarnya mirip dengan langkah mengaktifkan untuk Meetings. Berikut caranya:.

Jika pengaturan di langkah pertama dan kedua sudah selesai dilakukan, maka langkah selanjutnya adalah mencoba untuk memulai Live Streaming ke Kanal YouTube. Berdasarkan pengalaman yang maskris lakukan, ada dua cara yang bisa dipilih yaitu dengan cara langsung Live YouTube atau dengan Custom Live Streaming.

Untuk cara pertama yang bisa dilakukan adalah melakukan streaming langsung dengan cara melakukan Broadcast Zoom Meeting ke YouTube Live. Cara ini sangat mudah dan cukup efektif dilakukan jika acara yang dilakukan langsung tanpa adanya schedule terlebih dahulu. Lanjutkan dengan Klik Live on YouTube.

Lanjutkan dengan login ke akun YouTube yang akan kita gunakan untuk live streaming. Setelah memasukkan akun YouTube, maka nanti akan diperlukan autentifikasi akun dan muncul tampilan halaman seperti ini. Jika sudah mulailah jalankan live streaming di YouTube dengan menekan tombol Go Live!

Bagi maskris, cara ini merupakan cara yang paling sering maskris gunakan karena kita sangat dimungkinkan untuk melakukan penjadwalan atau memberikan notifikasi kepada para calon peserta lewat akun YouTube yang akan kita gunakan nantinya. The streaming page URL is the website link to your live stage page. Assign the location to the b2match agenda session Go to Agenda , edit the session and assign it the live stage location.

Start and test the streaming Click on Go live in Zoom and start streaming.