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How to add your contacts to Zoom | TechRepublic – Knowledge Base Article

You can add participants to a Zoom meeting by using an existing contact list. Here are the steps. When you set up a Zoom meeting to invite different people, especially external contacts, you typically have to enter the email address of each recipient. But you can save time and effort by integrating your contacts into Zoom.
You can either add each contact one by one, or you can import your contacts from another service such as Google, Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft By default, your Zoom contacts list already contains the names of those in your organization using the same company-wide Zoom account.
You can add an external contact by inviting them via email. After the contact accepts your invitation, you can chat, collaborate in a live meeting, and share files.
If the person does not yet have a Zoom account, they can create one when they accept your invitation. Open the Zoom desktop client. At the main screen, click the icon at the top for Contacts. The app indicates that the invitation has been sent. Click OK. The person receives the invitation email with a link to click. The person clicks the Approve button to accept your invitation.
Your Zoom contact list then shows the name of each person who accepted an invitation Figure B. To chat with the person, click on their name and select the Chat icon. To launch a video chat, click the Meet with Video icon. For other actions, click the More icon. Here, you can opt to meet with or without video, be notified when the person signs into Zoom, add other members to your contacts, star this contact as a favorite, block the contact, clear the chat history, or delete the contact Figure C.
The contacts are also easily accessible when you want to invite people to a meeting. After you start your meeting, click the Up arrow next to the Participants icon and select Invite. Your contacts list appears.
Click the people you wish to participate and then click the Invite button Figure D. More efficiently, you can add an entire address book to your Zoom contact list. You can pull the contacts from Google, Microsoft Exchange, or Microsoft The Zoom website pops up with your account settings and information.
A Select a Service window also appears with the three services listed—Google, Exchange, and Office Click the service from which you want to integrate your address book of contacts. With Google, you can also opt to incorporate your calendar.
Click Next Figure F. Select your email account if prompted and allow the necessary permissions. Your Zoom account page should now show that the service you selected is integrated with Zoom. Return to the Zoom app. Click on the entry for Contacts under Cloud Contacts, and the name of each integrated contact appears. Click on the name of a specific person to view their contact information Figure G. You would then continue to manage the contact list in the external service as usual.
Any additions, deletions, or modifications you make in the external service are synchronized with Zoom each time you open the Zoom app. If you ever want to remove the external list from Zoom, go to the website for your Zoom profile.
Send the person the invitation. After they accept, that person will show up as an external contact so that you can easily invite them to any Zoom meeting Figure I. TechRepublic Premium content helps you solve your toughest IT issues and jump-start your career or next project.
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This may influence how and where their products appear on our site, but vendors cannot pay to influence the content of our reviews. For more info, visit our Terms of Use page. Figure C The contacts are also easily accessible when you want to invite people to a meeting. Figure D Add a contact list to Zoom More efficiently, you can add an entire address book to your Zoom contact list. Figure E The Zoom website pops up with your account settings and information.
Figure F Select your email account if prompted and allow the necessary permissions. Figure G You would then continue to manage the contact list in the external service as usual. Figure I. Delivered Mondays. Sign up today. Your email has been sent. By Lance Whitney. Lance Whitney is a freelance technology writer and trainer and a former IT professional. He’s the author of two tech books–one on Windows and another on LinkedIn.
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How to use Zoom: 10 tips and tricks for better video meetings.
Use Zapier to get your apps working together. For more inspiration on how to use Zoom more efficiently, explore more Di you can create with Zoom and Zapier. Depending on whether you wish to host a meeting immediately, or schedule a meeting for later go to one of the following sections: Host a Meeting Schedule a meeting.
Zoom – Host a Meeting and Invite Participants | Office of Information Technology – Account Information
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