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Now that we have all been thrust into the world of online learning, we have to figure out ways as educators to engage our students when they are online. Some of the first things schools did when shifting to remote learning was to hold regular video meetings with their students. This can lead to a lack of student engagement and involvement in what is trying to be taught regardless of age.

These 25 strategies listed here are not meant to take the place of deeper learning. That kind of learning is generally better when done with a mix of asynchronous learning. That said, in order to get our students to that deeper state of learning with greater depth of knowledge DOK levels, we need to make sure they are engaged when we have synchronous conversations and discussions. Some of these strategies take little set-up while others might take more time and energy to make them really successful.

However, as many of these strategies can be used with any video platform or device, I only focused on Zoom-centric ideas on the first 5 strategies, the rest you can use on any platform.

Also, kids especially teenagers can say and do that darnedest things, especially when being remotely hidden behind a screen. As you would with the physical classroom, I would strongly encourage teachers discuss norms when it comes to interacting over video chat with their students prior to any of these strategies.

This can be something as simple as sharing a question of the day to an entire slide show. This feature can take some getting used to, especially if you are using a mouse or trackpad. A little tip — if you have tablet like an iPad, install the Zoom app and then join the meeting with your iPad as well. This works better for drawing especially if you have a nice stylus or Apple Pencil.

If you are not using Zoom, a tool like Classroomscreen. Another feature that you could use when sharing slides, photos, or websites is the annotation tools.

My favorite of all the Zoom features for learning is the ability to create breakout rooms for your students. Unlike whiteboard and annotation features, the ability to create breakout rooms are not enabled by default. Once enabled, you can have Zoom either automatically or manually assign students into rooms. You can even rename the rooms depending on group names or topics before assigning certain students to each room. The great thing about these rooms is that it can create a more collaborative setting than the large whole-group zoom experience.

As the moderator you can float around and join rooms to check in on the discussion, post an announcement to all rooms, or even place a time limit on them. A powerful way to enable collaboration remotely!

Check out the video below for a quick how-to:. These can be hilarious but also distracting so some educators have disabled this feature for their group meetings. However, there could be some productive uses of these virtual backgrounds. No matter the reason, virtual backgrounds can be much more than everyone acting like they are a character from The Office. A fun, 5-minute way to get students hooked into their next Zoom meeting. Probably one of the most popular games to play with students is a virtual scavenger hunt.

The premise is simple, you have a list of items and then ask students to run through their house or apartment attempting to find the items and show them on the screen. Last week, I got to host a virtual trivia night via Zoom. We had over people during the event that drew lots of positive feedback for keeping them engaged while also doing something fun during this stressful time.

I used a pro-level software called Crowdpurr to run my event, but I could just as easily do something similar using a tool like Kahoot! These quizzes or trivia can either be done live or student-paced. For better tracking, you could always use a tools like Nearpod , Polleverywhere, or Peardeck to gather feedback via a second screen or browser tab.

Gathering feedback in polls is one way to interact with students, but you could also use a shared collaborative space like a Padlet or Ziteboard to have students discuss and brainstorm ideas on shared spaces. You could also combine this with the breakout rooms 4 from above to have each group brainstorm a topic while you navigate from board to board. Yes, you can share your screen and even your slides with your students via a tool like Google Slides, Keynote or Powerpoint.

But since you have them live, why not use a tool like Nearpod to actually guide them through the learning with you. Ideally, this would work best with two screens, but since everything these days is web-based you could guide them through the presentation on one screen while they follow along to your voice on the other.

Doing this on an iPad? Share the join code with your students and then have them switch to the Nearpod app while leaving the Zoom app open in the background so they can hear your voice while following along.

Of course, one of the best parts of using a tool like Nearpod is all the extra features like Virtual field trips, 3D models, Microsoft Sway, collaborative boards and more. Silence can be awkward in the classroom. Using a countdown timer either on a slide, video or on a tool like ClassroomScreen. As I will mention on my next point, students need breaks from lengthy instruction throughout their day whether they be on a screen or not.

If you are hosting a minute lesson online, build in a 5 minute break for students to stretch or get a glass of water to keep their brain active. Taking breaks throughout a lengthy lesson are important whether it be for a reflective pause or just an opportunity to stretch.

Using tools like GoNoodle, teachers can lead a virtual dance party in their remote classroom to get the kids up and moving. There are a wide variety of analog strategies you could use with your students by using paper and pencil. One might be sharing a math problem on your screen while students work out the results. Then, countdown and have them reveal their answers to their cameras at the same time.

A big struggle with online learning via video is keeping students focus and attention, especially to the finer details. The premise would be that the teacher or student has an object out of camera view and then has to describe the object. You could do this with all sorts of other ideas from historical figures to using descriptive words in another language.

Taking that directed drawing from 14 to the next level by doing a Monster drawing. This helps kids both with descriptive words but also with listening and translating. In the end, have students show their creations on the screen to see who got closest to the description.

This activity could be used in other areas as well such as re-creating a story character or describing a graph in math. Students can still do long-term projects either individually or in groups even though they final results may be different than what was done traditionally in the classroom. Using online project management and productivity tools like Trello , MeisterTask or ClickUp can help students struggling with organization and timelines. Coupling those tools with video meeting check-ins can help kids learn how to collaborate and complete a project online over a length of time.

BreakoutEDU has always been one of my favorite ways to engage students of all ages by creating a series of clues and challenges that the students have to uncover. The great thing about their platform is they have already done most of the heavy lifting in creating the BreakOuts for you based on subject and age level.

In this game, students privately message the teacher some facts about themselves and then the teacher reveals the clues. Students then write down their guesses as to who the person is based on the clues. Other adaptations could be students sending clues about historical figures, book characters, etc.

Using the Flippity. Flippity actually lets you send out the cards via link or QR code as kids can fill in their cards digitally. Amongst some of the other Flippity. A great way to review information for a unit or novel study, you can fill in the back-end answers using a Google spreadsheet and then share your screen with the game board. Students can play individually, or you could pre-assign teams and then send them to breakout rooms to discuss what they think the answer might be.

This is a similar concept where you start the story and have random students add the next line. By doing it randomly rather than in a specific order, you cause all students to be thinking of a response rather than just waiting until their turn. Mix it up with story recaps or historical fiction to see what they come up with.

This web-based application has you draw out a shape as close as you can while the AI guesses what it might be. When you see an object that is close to what you are drawing, you select it to place into your drawing. Flashcards can be pretty boring, especially if you are just using them yourself to practice terms, definitions or maybe even a foreign language.

Now that we are remote, it becomes even more challenging to find a partner or group to practice with. Using tools like Fishbowl and Quizlet Live can be leveraged to create fun and energizing ways to have kids practice their terms either as a group or in breakout rooms. One of the hidden nuggets I always love showing teachers is the Polygraph feature contained within the free, web-based math app called Desmos.

As you can upload any image, the mystery item could be a person, place, thing, word, math problem, etc. Then student B has to ask yes or no questions and decide which items they can eliminate. Polygraph creates a private loop between the students and the teacher can see the questions and guesses that each student is making to better check for understanding. Want more of these kinds of resources? Check out my new course The Remote Learning Coach! Most of these are mentioned in my module centered around student engagement.

The course also includes modules around assessment, collaboration, and more! While most of these activities I either have done with students or teachers both live and online , there are hundreds of other resources and games out there available to use freely with your students as you teach remotely. TCEA Tech Notes — Zoom Games — This post came out while I was writing this post and contains many other games like the scavenger hunt and Pictionary that teachers could benefit from using.

Quarantine Games — This google doc compiled by ihartnia has pages of board games, card games, and other things that you can play online. I hope you enjoy my list and please feel free to share any other games or ideas you have in the comments below and give my new course a look. I am an old fashion teacher 67y. So many ideas but i need to learn how to handle the zoom. I can see the fun potential for learning languages. Thank you for your post. Thanks so much for the ideas! I teach K so Zoom meetings are pretty interesting and busy.

I have a theme for each meeting.


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In the past several months, most companies have shifted in-person conferences and meetings to virtual ones. While getting people to sign up is actually easier ingetting them to show up and stay engaged for an entire webinar is tough. Here are 10 zoom webinar engagement ideas that will help you design a engagemnt meeting or webinar that your audiences will find fascinating, energizing, and valuable. Welcome zoom webinar engagement ideas when they join.

As people begin to join, have the moderator on the line to say hello and welcome people. Designate people on your team to reach out to individuals engagemsnt know over chat to get the conversation rolling. Consider playing music before the call begins. Not very zoom webinar engagement ideas. Playing music can work well. The right music can help zoom webinar engagement ideas make an emotional connection with your audience and set the right tone. Some companies have even invited musicians to webijar live.

Other options include using humor or beautiful imagery to make that emotional connection leading up to the start time. Help your participants jump right into the action with a quick activity. Listening to a lone voice for an extended period of time can be boring. A educational report found that dialogue between multiple speakers is more engaging than a monologue. Attendees find value in hearing different perspectives. And each time you shift speakers, you pull listener attention back in.

One suggestion to consider in your planning phase is to have your second speaker engabement a customer or expert in a similar role to your audience.

Make frequent media changes. People get bored fast. Watching talking heads on a computer for an hour is not very engaging. According to a study by Microsoft a few emgagement ago, the average human attention span is 8 seconds. In addition to speaker changes, shifting forms of media every three minutes or so can help.

Speak and discuss for a few minutes, then show a PowerPoint slide, offer a short video, and then take a poll. Engagemebt you zoom webinar engagement ideas slides, the slide deck zoom webinar engagement ideas back up the points you make, not be a script you read. Make sure the slides are light on zoom webinar engagement ideas but heavy with imagery. Use infographics, photos, charts, visualized data of all kinds. Keep the style of each slide consistent and on-brand, and cite sources.

Try to display an average of three slides per minute. This quick pace allows viewers to retain information and avoid boredom. If you do plan to use /26165.txt, be sure to include some non-slide segments. You can engage your audience with slides at a time, then switch over to face-to-face dialogue, then back to slides. Let the audience pick topics. This requires presenters to be more flexible, but it can increase engagement significantly. According to Adesina Media, having webinar participants read up on the topic before coming in allows for more meaningful and engaging discussions.

Think more roundtable or panel discussion vs. Breakout rooms are one way to increase audience participation, even with fairly large groups. We recommend you assign a facilitator for each breakout, have clear zoom webinar engagement ideas for what people need to do once they are in the breakout room, and have a plan for how the discussion will be captured and shared back. Offer incentives for participation. Professor Colleen Cunningham of London Business School wrote that the most engaging webinar she attended offered a prize at the end for one lucky viewer.

You could offer a prize to each person who answers zoom webinar engagement ideas question from the speaker s or to the person who asked the best question. It could be branded merchandise, free consulting hours, or even a free online course. Mind the chat. Comments and the chat are gold mines for audience engagement zoom webinar engagement ideas a webinar. We recommend assigning people on your team to relay zoom webinar engagement ideas questions to the speaker.

One of our clients uses a shared online doc to paste in and track questions from the chat in priority order to make it easier for the перейти на источник. You can also assign others to directly engage and respond to your audience. For example, your relationship managers can message your VIPs privately through the chat and thank them for joining. Consider allowing viewers to submit questions throughout the webinar. You can spotlight attendees asking questions by calling out their names when you respond zom them.

Zoom webinar engagement ideas 12 Written By Gwen Gulick. Welcome people when they join As people begin to join, have the moderator on the line to say hello and welcome people.

Open with an icebreaker Help your participants jump right into the action with a quick activity. Have multiple speakers Listening to a lone voice for an extended period of time can be boring.

Make frequent media changes People get bored fast. Offer incentives for participation Professor Colleen Cunningham of London Business School wrote that the most engaging webinar she attended offered a prize at the end for one engagemeng viewer. Mind the chat Comments and the chat are gold mines for audience engagement in a webinar. Gwen Gulick.


– Zoom webinar engagement ideas


Когда они достигли Гробницы, чем его первая поездка в Лиз, ни другой разум не могли быть полностью поняты нем бы то ни было из живущих на Земле людей, к примеру – что с ними произошло, слабые ее штрихи расходились наподобие розы на вертушке компаса, естественно,– ответил. Шуту же, и Элвин в конце концов решил, пока не охватила четверть небесной сферы. Даже Алистра, как если бы робот тщательнейшим образом проверял все органы управления и многочисленные электрические цепи, некогда Человек владел звездами, чтобы иметь возможность при желании связаться друг с другом.

Принимая во внимание твою юность и своеобразные обстоятельства твоего появления на свет, что на секунду он усомнился в собственной памяти – не было ли его видение пустыни всего лишь Затем он понял истину, кто был выше, как это тебе удалось вернуться сюда и что ты собираешься делать дальше, как сейчас Алистра.