How to install zoom in ubuntu 16.04 using terminal – how to install zoom in ubuntu 16.04 using termi –

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Sep 10,  · Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications. Zoom provide an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. There can be several method of installing Zoom on Ubuntu: Install Zoom on ubuntu using Terminal. Follow below steps to install. Sep 19,  · Once installed, press the Super key (Windows key) and search for Zoom. Click on the Zoom icon to start it: Start Zoom It will start Zoom and you can start attending your Zoom meetings. Zoom now installed on Ubuntu That’s not it. You’ll see that Zoom is accessible from the applet indicator on the top right corner. Jan 24,  · This has helpfully told us the command we need to use to install Zoom – snap install zoom-client: $ sudo snap install zoom-client This takes a little while to run, a minute or two, as it downloads the Zoom client then runs through the install. Once done we are ready to test the Zoom client install.


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Covid lockdowns made work from home a common scenario. Even the non-IT people had to resume their work activities from the confinement of home. Video conferencing tool become as common as emails. Among all this, Zoom became the de facto online meeting tool. If you are using Linux and prefer open source video conferencing tools like Jitsi Meet , chances are that people at work use Zoom.

In such cases, you have no option but to use Zoom on Linux and in this tutorial, I am going to show you different ways of using it on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions:. If you are using Linux, it automatically recognizes it and gives you the option to download Zoom for various Linux distributions. Here, select the distribution of your choice. In my case, it is Ubuntu:. You are most likely running a bit system.

So, go with default choices and hit the download button. It will download a file of around 60 MB. If you are using Chrome on Ubuntu , it will ask you to confirm to keep or discard when the download completes. Click keep. Just double-click on it or right click on it and select Software Install like this:. Do that and Zoom should be installed in a few seconds.

Once installed, press the Super key Windows key and search for Zoom. Click on the Zoom icon to start it:. It should send you notifications and let you quickly access Zoom features like screen sharing. If you want to quickly install Zoom using command line, you can do all the steps you did in the previous method. You can download files in Linux terminal using tools like wget and curl.

Download the deb file using this command:. It will ask you to enter your account password. When you type the password in the terminal, nothing happens on the screen. Type the password blindly and press enter. If you must use Zoom for work or school, you can install Zoom on Ubuntu and use it without having to leave Linux.

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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Remember me Log in. Lost your password? Username or Email. Remember Me. Username or E-mail:. New password. Confirm new password. Hint: The password should be at least seven characters long. To make it stronger, use upper and lower case letters, numbers and symbols like! In such cases, you have no option but to use Zoom on Linux and in this tutorial, I am going to show you different ways of using it on Ubuntu and other Linux distributions: The simplest of all is to use Zoom in a web browser: This works on any Linux distribution and any operating system.

Downloading Zoom for Ubuntu. Install the downloaded DEB file by double clicking on it. Start Zoom. Zoom now installed on Ubuntu.

Quick access to zoom settings. Removing Zoom Ubuntu. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Login Username or Email Password. Log In. Home Register Lost password. Lost Password Please enter your username or email address. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Home Login Register. Reset Password Enter your new password below. Strength indicator. Home Login. Register User registration is currently not allowed.

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