Zoom allow participants to share screen by default

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Zoom allow participants to share screen by default.Zoom: Enabling Screen Sharing for Participants

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Scroll down to In Meeting (Basic). Under Screen Sharing, for Who Can Share?, select All Participants.


Zoom allow participants to share screen by default

Apr 20,  · By default, the Zoom window is not shared while sharing your screen. Showing the Zoom window during screen share can be useful if a participant is helping you use Zoom. To show Zoom windows during screen share: Sign in to the Zoom web portal. In the navigation menu, click Settings. In the In Meeting (Basic) section, make sure Show Zoom windows . Nov 18,  · Updated Nov 18, You can set your default Zoom meeting settings so that the Host is the only person who can share their screen during your meetings or you can allow your participants to be able to share their screens too. 1. Go to your TC Zoom account by logging into the myTC portal with your UNI and password. myTC Portal. Dec 21,  · You can set the default sharing behavior on the Settings page in the web portal. Under the Screen sharing option, you have the Who can share? and Who can start sharing when someone else is sharing? options, which will set the default behavior for all your Zoom meetings. Unfortunately, there is no way to set that default on an individual meeting basis.