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Zoom api error code 124 –

Star New issue. Jump to bottom. Copy link. Thanks The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:. Which config file did you put? Hi Apologies in the delay in coming back to you, when I created this package it was a quick build for a project I needed it for and I made it open source in case it would help someone.
Hi Tommy Thanks for your reply. I will try the workaround you suggested. Kind Regards, Garry. Hi Tommy So I looked into the workarounds you suggested, and they look rather too involved for a quick Postman check, so I did a google search and found complaints similar to mine about JWT earlier this month.
Thank you so much for your help as it galvanised me to take another path. Hey garry , Just replied to your post here: Thanks, Tommy. Hi Tommy Did this get fixed as expected? Is this fixed. What’s New at Zoom? Join our upcoming webinar to get a first-hand look into some of our exciting new product and feature releases.
When I tried to retrieve my local recording from the recording list on my sign-in home page, I got an invalid link prompt. Error That I must sign in with the same zoom account on the web.
I was already signed in and so not sure what is the problem. Anyone can help? Just a guess, but it may be related to how Zoom places local recordings in the current user’s documents folder.
If the current PC user does not match the current Zoom user it may be causing an issue. If the recording was successful you should be able to find under one of the directories below depending on the OS you are using:. When I found the file, it opened in Excel instead of as an audio file The audio file should be in an M4A format which should open with your default media player.
Learn more. Asked 1 year, 5 months ago. Modified 1 year, 5 months ago. Viewed times. Any help appreciated. Improve this question. Eamonn Eamonn 1, 2 2 gold badges 21 21 silver badges 52 52 bronze badges. Add a comment.
– How to Download Zoom Cloud Recordings by PHP Program ?
Robertdag May 26, , a. Charlessib May 28, , a. ArthurJaf May 28, , p. Michaellig May 29, , a. FloydBax June 5, , p. Leave a Comment Full Name. Humanity Matters. Post Comment. Coordinates 0,0 define the top-left corner of the tile. You can easily run this and other endpoints.
The Vector format is a binary format created by using Google Protocol Buffers to serialize the data according to this defined vector schema. The following table describes the parameters that can be used in a request. Most web browsers have a default limitation on the number of active connections that can be allowed to each host. For instance, if four map tiles are being requested at zoom level one, you would request the first one as:. When more than four tiles are being requested, start back again at a.
Note: There are no required headers in this endpoint. The Traffic Vector Incidents Tiles API endpoint, for a single request, returns a binary response body which must be deserialized by client code generated by the Google Protocol Buffers compiler. The following example uses a simple text representation of the serialized binary vector tile data to illustrate the response content. Log in. Traffic API Documentation. Product Information. Traffic Incidents. Traffic Flow.
Map Styles. Vector Tile Structure. Vector Incident Tiles. Service version: 4. For zoom level 0, the world is displayed on a single tile, while at zoom level 22, the world is divided into 2 44 tiles.
See: Zoom Levels and Tile Grid. Each tile includes a pre-defined collection of road shapes with traffic incidents data. The format of a tile is formally described using the protobuf schema. Tiles resolution Road geometry is stored as coordinates in the range Run this endpoint You can easily run this and other endpoints.
Clustering – the idea of clustering is a grouping of all overlapping incidents. If all incidents in the cluster belong to the same type, it will return the incident’s type icon. Otherwise, the cluster icon is returned. Allowed value: text delay integer The delay caused by the incident in seconds except in road closures. It is calculated against free-flow travel time the travel time when the traffic is minimal, e.
Sorry, there was an error connecting to the server. Please try again in a few moments Sorry, we have had to rate-limit your feedback sending. Thanks for the feedback! Our tireless devs will get back to you soon.
OK Cancel. Problem : One or more of the required parameters for this type of request are missing. Solution : Verify that all of the required parameters have been provided. Check that all parameter names were spelled accurately and as specified in Object Field References. Ensure the proper URL punctuation was used, including? Problem : The ID provided for the upsert was not valid, and no email address was provided for a new prospect to be created.
Solution : Verify the provided ID. If creating a prospect was intended, ensure that an email address was provided. Solution : Check the provided credentials for typos. Also, ensure that the specified user account has at least “Marketing” access privileges. Problem : The provided value for a profile criteria’s matching status was not recognized. Solution : Ensure that only the values match , nomatch , or unknown are being used.
Solution : Check that the specified sorting values are listed in Using Object Type : Supported Sorting Options section for the target object. Solution : Ensure that only the values ascending or descending are being used. Problem : The provided value for offset could not be interpreted as an integer.
Solution : Ensure that the provided value is an integer and is no larger than Solution : Verify that the visitor ID was typed correctly and matches the intended visitor in Pardot. Solution : Verify that only the values true or false were specified. Problem : The value specified for assigned could not be interpreted as a boolean. Problem: The value specified for deleted could not be interpreted as a boolean.
Solution: Verify that only the values true or false were specified. Problem: The value specified for new could not be interpreted as a boolean. Problem : The value specified for score could not be interpreted as an integer. Solution : Check for typos that can prevent the value from being interpreted correctly. Problem : A conflicting set of query criteria for the prospect’s score has been specified. Problem : The value specified for grade is not one of the allowed options. Solution : Check for typos that may prevent grade from being interpreted correctly.
Also, ensure that the specified grades are URL-encoded. Problem : Some of the parameters necessary to complete the specified API request were omitted from the request. Solution : Ensure that all required parameters have been included. In addition, check from typos in the parameter names. Also check that the request has been properly formatted.
Problem : Your Pardot account has a Salesforce connector. When a Salesforce connector is present, opportunities and prospect account cannot be modified by Pardot. However, doing so disables synchronization with Salesforce. If a Salesforce connector is present, modifications to opportunities must be done within Salesforce.
Solution : Ensure that the specified value is a number from 0 through inclusive. Solution : Ensure that the specified values are numbers from 0 through , inclusive. It might be necessary to swap the values of the specified probabilities. Solution : Ensure that the specified values are non-negative numbers.
It might be necessary to swap the specified values. Solution : Ensure that the specified email address and the ID both correspond to the desired prospect. Note: Typically, only one of these parameters is required. Consider omitting one of them. Solution : Ensure that the specified email address and the ID both correspond to the desired user. Problem : The currently authenticated API user doesn’t have the necessary permissions to perform the requested operation.
If the requested operation has such a requirement, reauthenticate as an administrative user and resubmit the request. See the Authentication section for more information. For example, both a group and user were specified as targets of a prospect assignment. Solution : Verify that the visit ID was typed correctly and matches the intended visit in Pardot. Problem : User is not authorized to perform the requested operation either due to access restrictions or forbidden method of passing credentials.
Solution : Verify user has required access to perform the requested operation. Ensure that credentials are passed via a supported method as per the API documentation. Contact customer support if problem persists. Problem : The value entered doesn’t match the field’s type of Date, it is an invalid format.
php – Code (Invalid access token) received for Zoom API calls using JWT – Stack Overflow.Error Code > invalid access token · Issue #22 · MacsiDigital/laravel-zoom · GitHub
Have a question about this a;i Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Already on GitHub? Sign in to your account. I’m trying to get list источник статьи users for test api.
I’m getting status code. I’m using 12 7. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:. I solve this putting in the config file these ‘zoom. Sorry, something went zoom api error code 124. Apologies in the delay in coming back ссылка на страницу you, when I created this package it was a quick build for a project I needed it for and I made it open source in case it would help someone.
Zoom api error code 124 the increased use of Zoom around the world its gaining some traction, so I’ve built 3 new versions for Laravel 5. Make sure you follow the cods to download the zoom config file. Documentation is zoom api error code 124 more helpful also on how to achieve most things. Skip to нажмите сюда. Star New issue. Jump to bottom. Copy link.
Thanks The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:. Which config file did you put? Hi Apologies in the delay in coming back to you, when I created this package /28070.txt was a quick build for a project I needed it for and I made it open source in case it would help someone. Open a new issue with any problems. Sign по этому адресу for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment.
You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed zoom api error code 124 in another tab or window.