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– How to Create a Zoom Virtual Background for Your Video Calls

› en-us › articles › Customizing-your-Zoom-. There are no size restrictions when adding your own virtual backgrounds, but we recommend cropping the image to match.
The Ultimate Manual to Zoom Background Images
Once you learn how to do it, you can change your background in a few seconds flat. Sync Your Browser Bookmarks May 5, Avoid windows, and be aware that the sun will move during daytime meetings. Using Zoom, users are able to relatively simply use a custom background wallpaper, if you prefer in their video call, thanks to smart sensing “greenscreen” abilities in the app.
Zoom background size resolution –
Zoom Virtual Backgrounds Prepare your actual background To achieve the best virtual background effect, Zoom recommends using a high-contrast, solid-color backdrop, preferably a green screen Amazon has a good страница. Whatever you use, go for a matte, non-reflective background. Keep your background surface close to you. Lighting Try to keep the lighting uniform across your shot no dappled light and not too bright or dim.
Avoid windows, and be aware that the sun will move during daytime meetings. Positioning a lamp in front of you ensures a more professional look. Background image Use high-quality, high-resolution images. Zoom recommends using background images with an aspect ratio of and a minimum resolution of x pixels. Zoom recommends using background videos MP4 or MOV file with a minimum resolution zoom background size resolution x pixels p and a maximum resolution of x pixels p.
To add your name, title or contact info to your background download a copy адрес this PowerPoint template and “Export” as a high resolution JPG.
Enabling Virtual Background during a Meeting If you zoom background size resolution already enabled virtual background, you can turn it on during a meeting. Click Choose a zoom background size resolution background If prompted, click Download to download the package for источник background without a green screen.