Zoom share price decline steepens as revenue growth shrinks | S&P Global Market Intelligence

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Zoom shares drop as big client additions fall short, growth concerns mount | Business Standard News.

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Shares of Zoom Video Communications (ZM %) dropped 14% in February, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Shares of Zoom Video Communications (NASDAQ: ZM) dropped 14% in February, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence.

Why Did Zoom Stock Drop 14% in February? | The Motley Fool.Zoom shares fall after results as Wall Street turns cautious on growth – The Economic Times


Founded in by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Zoom stock price drop Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services. Become a Motley Fool member today to get instant access to our top pricf recommendations, in-depth research, investing resourcesand more. Learn More. There wasn’t any major news about Priec before its Feb. Last month’s drop was due entirely to negative market sentiment, especially among high-priced market darlings.

Zoom had two financial press releases last month, and neither was particularly important for the stock’s valuation. The company announced the resolution of a legal dispute with RingCentralthen it announced a new product update for contact centers.

That news was overall slightly positive. There was no reason to think that Zoom’s financial fundamentals had changed ссылка на подробности during the month. Zooom became cheaper relative stofk sales and expected earnings. These dynamics become even more clear when Zoom’s price chart is compared to peers RingCentral and Atlassian. All three stocks were clearly influenced by the same zoom stock price drop sentiment.

Zoom’s Feb. After that, the stock continued to slump as the Ukrainian conflict weighed on markets. Investors are concerned about zoom stock price drop growth, which is bad news at a time when investors are moving away from riskier assets.

The company has retained and built upon its COVID bump, but it’s settling into a phase that could never justify its previous valuation. The pricing is much перейти на страницу reasonable now at an 8.

Cost basis and return based on previous market day close. Calculated by average return of all stock recommendations since inception of the Stock Advisor service in February of zoom stock price drop Discounted offers are only available to new members.

Calculated by Time-Weighted Return since Volatility profiles based on trailing-three-year calculations of the standard deviation of service investment returns.

Invest better with The Motley Fool. Get stock recommendations, portfolio guidance, and more from The Motley Fool’s premium services. Premium Services. Stock Advisor. View Our Services. Our Purpose:. Latest Stock Picks. Today’s Change. Current Price. Zoom was pulled down by /728.txt stock sell-off. Image source: Getty Images. Детальнее на этой странице Video Communications. Motley Fool Returns Market-beating stocks from our award-winning service.

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Zoom stock price drop.Why Did Zoom Stock Drop 14% in February?

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