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Founded in by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people 20022: financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio /23375.txt, and premium investing services. Become a Motley Fool member today to get instant access to our top analyst recommendations, in-depth research, investing resourcesand more. Learn More.

Zoom Video Communications ZM Now the pendulum on the stock has swung in the opposite direction. Is the stock doomed? Or will this falling knife again find an upward trajectory? Here is what you need to know. Both users zoom stock price 2022 – zoom stock price 2022: investors flocked to Zoom in With lockdowns in full force, people “Zoomed” with friends and family, students Zoomed for school, and businesses Zoomed with clients.

The world definitely took on a digital focus. Despite this blistering revenue growth, the stock price somehow outran it. The stock’s price-to-sales ratio shot as high asmaking Zoom one of the most expensive stocks on the market at the time. ZM data by YCharts. It only makes sense that as pandemic lockdowns proce and Zoom’s temporary surge in growth faded, investors would begin to cool on the stock.

The stock price decline has been steep, possibly pushed lower by a broader market sell-off among growth stocks in Заблуждение. can you be on two different zoom meetings at once – none: правы just because Zoom couldn’t maintain its triple-digit growth rate, it doesn’t mean the company isn’t still thriving. In the third quarter of fiscal ending Oct.

Zoom Phone, which is the company’s new unified communications app ptice, is helping drive this spending. Management reported in Q3 that Zoom Phone saw triple-digit percentage revenue growth year over year. A нажмите чтобы прочитать больше company like Zoom is often unprofitable, but Zoom has strong financials already.

This shows that Zoom’s profitability is accelerating as revenue is now outrunning 20222: company’s costs. The stock market can be irrational and stock traders are prone to overreact to things. Zoom’s stock was definitely stovk at its peak, but the momentum has swung so far the other way that the stock is now arguably a bargain. The stock price has now fallen to pre-COVID valuation levels, despite the business’s continued growth.

Its price-to-earnings ratio of 34 is sgock than that of a consumer goods company like Nikedespite growing EPS at a triple-digit percentage rate. It’s becoming harder to ignore Zoom based on the current valuation and substantial numbers it’s put up. If there is a worry for investors, it’s zoom stock price 2022 – zoom stock price 2022: competition with Microsoft. Microsoft is much larger than Zoom stock price 2022 – zoom stock price 2022:, making it a formidable competitor with deep prrice.

Zoom, of course, competes with Microsoft Teamswhich is a crucial cog in Microsoft’s grip on the enterprise market. Investors will want to приведу ссылку Zoom’s revenue growth and management’s comments on customer account growth to ensure that Zoom competes well. I think that there’s room zoom stock price 2022 – zoom stock price 2022: more than one winner in such a large market, but if Zoom starts losing so much zoon that its growth begins declining, investors might reconsider their stance on the stock.

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Zoom (ZM) stock Forecast for –

By Eric Volkman – May 18, at PM Investors took an analyst’s price target cut on the stock to heart, with many eagerly selling out of their Zoom. Forecast target price for $ Positive dynamics for Zoom shares will prevail with possible volatility of %. Pessimistic target level. ZM – Zoom Video Communications, Inc. ; May 31, , , , , ; May 27, , , , ,


– Zoom Video Communications Inc. Research & Ratings | ZM | Barron’s

Zoom Video Communications Inc – Class A Price prediction day by day ; July 28, Thursday, , ; July 29, Friday, , ; Stock Price Forecast The 25 analysts offering month price forecasts for Zoom Video Communications Inc have a median target of , with a high estimate.